The Versatile Blogger Award!

I was SO excited to see one of my best friends, Allison nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! Yay! Her blog is absolutely one of the best out there! Her tips are amazing, and she’s super funny! If you haven’t already, please go check out her blog! It will soon be one of your favorites. 🙂 Her blog is one that really made me want to have a blog. Thank you Allison! You’re the best. ❤

Here are the rules:

  1. Thank the person that has nominated you
  2. Include a link to their blog
  3. Nominate 15 blogs of your choice
  4. Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination
  5. Share seven different facts about yourself

Seven Facts About Me!!!

  1. I have a freckle right on the tip of my nose! Its probably one of my favorite things. Plus, people always comment on it because I think its pretty unique!
  2. I love to watch/listen to people play video games. I could do it for hours. Writing this post I’m listening to someone play a video game because its nice background noise and so relaxing!
  3. My favorite thing ever is a good avocado. I will eat it alone, on toast, in soup, on a salad, ANYWHERE. I have to thank Allison for my avocado obsession as well; when I lived with her last year she showed me the beauty of the avocado.
  4. I’ve dyed my hair more times than I can even count. I first dyed it in 6th grade. Huge blond highlights. It was a look.
  5. Whenever I wear anything that has a hood I usually always wear it with the hood up, like I am right now in my favorite sweatshirt. Its so cozy! I just love it too much not to!
  6. I get obsessed with stuff and can’t stop the obsession for a while lol. Right now the obsession is Pitch Perfect 2, I’ve watched it maybe 12 times in a week. It. Is. So. Funny. Plus, Hailee Seinfeld is my new favorite actress, can we talk about how amazing her hair is!?!
  7. My nickname is Cookie! It always has been and always will be. When I was a baby my Nana would call me Cookie Cupcake, then when I was in preschool the Cupcake dropped. I’ve been Cookie ever since. Anyone close to me calls me Cookie, and it’s pretty weird for me if they call me Krysten!


My Nominations! I would love if you checked out each of these blogs, they are incredible and some of my favorites to read!

The Style Palette  (I think my sister nominated you both but I also want to as well!)

Simply Caitlyn

Eloquently Emily

Life By Jaclyn


I loved this tag! Thanks for reading, and thank you again Allison! ❤

Fall Fashion & My Favorite Spots To Shop!

I love the cold weather! I totally do better in the cold, and I love all the cute clothes that come with it! Recently I bought some new clothes for my trip to South Dakota in November, and I wanted to share some of my favorite pieces as well as my favorite places to shop!

Target! Target has such a wide variety for all styles, and the prices are amazing! You really can’t beat target. The only problem I find is that everything is gone so fast! Target also has the Cartwheel app where you can take a picture of the bar code and see if there are any coupons, gotta love saving money! Last week I got two pairs of boots and a few tops! The green booties I got were on sale for $11! They were the last pair too so I really lucked out. Always check the clearance!

I *tried* to take some outfit pictures but I’ve never been good at it. I’m too tall for my mirror so those were all a fail and the lighting was a problem as well so please excuse them not being the most amazing! When my sister gets back from NY we are totally gonna up the outfit pictures game together and she can take the pictures of me!


H&M. They have so much cute stuff year round and the clothes are great quality! The H&M I used to shop at in the Bay Area has two stories, it’s heaven.

Tjmaxx and Marshals! These places are awesome, I kind of have to search for pieces that fit my style but the pieces I do find are always amazing! Always so fun to look in these stores.

Where do you love to shop for your fall wardrobe? I’d love to hear suggestions! Have an amazing day everybody!

And Her Nose Stuck In a Book…

I used to dread reading when I was younger, especially in school because I read so slow! Now, reading is one of my favorite things to do! I wanted to share with you some of my favorite books so maybe you can find a new book to read!

Where’d You Go, Bernadette By Maria Semple – I love this story. A teenage girls mom runs away and its all about her trying to figure out why her mom left and where she is! I read this using Audible but I bought the book to read again! (Not to mention the book cover is pretty cute)

#Girlboss By Sophia Amoruso – This was written by the founder of Nasty Gal which is a really popular retail shop! It’s all about how she got to where she is in life, which is extremely successful, and how to be a #girlboss!

Lock In By John Scalzi – This book is about an epidemic that spreads across the world. A majority of the population just gets the flu and thats it, but for 1% of the population they’re fully awake in their body but they can’t move or do anything which is called the lock in. It’s about what happens to the world and what complications arise.

Midnight in Europe By Alan Furst – Ok this book is amazing. I picked it up randomly because I noticed it was set in 1938 which is an interesting time. It’s about spies and romance, SO MUCH GOOD STUFF. Pick it up if you ever get the chance, its such a good read.

Unbroken By Laura Hillenbrand – Sam got me this book as a gift. Thanks Sam. 🙂 It’s SO good, they’ve made it into a movie as well! It’s such an incredible true story about Louis Zamperini, its unbelievable.

If you like to read let me know some of your favorite books! I’d love to hear. Happy Monday!

Fall In Love With Your Life

Have you ever had that feeling where you never want a moment to end? A moment where you’re too happy for words and you can physically feel yourself filling with happiness? I am in love with that feeling! Every time I feel that way I fall more in love with life. I feel this way a lot around the people I love the most in my life!

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This feeling can be brought on by the smell of a dewy morning, or a song coming on at the perfect time. I want my life to be full of these moments! I’m definitely the type to overthink, or always be thinking of whats going to happen next. I need to be more in the moment, thats when life is most amazing! Lately, I’ve been making an effort to not worry and just love what’s happening now. It’s helped me tremendously!

For real guys… yolo lol. You really do only live once, and I want to remember the moments where I only felt happiness. No worries, no sadness, just bliss!

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This weekend try to live more in the moment and find the little things that will make your day, and life, even more enjoyable! Happy Friday!

The Liebster Award!

Holy moly, I’m so excited that the lovely ladies at The Style Palette nominated me for the Liebster Award! So sweet! I’m incredibly new to the blogging world and to get recognized by such an awesome blog is so exciting! Thank you so much! Check out their blog, definitely one of my all time favs!


1. Make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you and include the Liebster Award sticker in your post.
2. Nominate 5-10 other bloggers and notify them of this in one of their posts.
3. All nominated bloggers are to have less than 200 followers.
4. Answer the 11 questions posed by your nominator and create 11 different questions for your nominees to answer. Or, you can repeat the same questions.
5. Copy these rules into your post.

liebsterHere are my A’s!

1. Where would be your ideal holiday and why? My ideal holiday would definitely be in Greece, I’ve always wanted to go! It’s gorgeous from what I’ve seen in pictures and it looks incredible.

2. Do you have any siblings? I have one sibling, my sister Kaitlyn! She’s seven year older than me!

3. What is your favourite type of animal, real or mythical? My favorite animal is probably a dog, not very exciting but they’re just so loving and sweet! I love how cuddly and vocal they are!

4. If you had three wishes what would they be? I would first wish to have all my friends live like 5 minutes away from me, I moved and they all live way too far away! Second, I would love to have just a huge room full of makeup, I love makeup. Lastly, I would wish to be able to teleport! To be somewhere else without the hassle of driving and airplanes lol, its 2015 where is this technology?!?!

5. Do you speak more than one language? No, sadly. I would love to learn German! I’ve got an app called Duolingo and I’ve used it quite a bit, but I am NO WHERE close to being fluent by any means! Lol

6. Do you have a party trick, if so what is it? I don’t go to enough parties to have a party trick! Lol

7. What is your main talent? My main talent… probably writing. Formal writing, like for papers and things. I love to read and write so writing essays for school comes so easy to me. I edit stuff fast too and I think thats a talent.. right?

8. Who is your idol? (Could be anyone) Ohhhhh man. That’s a tough question. I admire so many different people for so many different reasons! Probably my sister which is cheesy but she’s always been someone who I’ve idolized for too many reasons to write, she’s amazing!

9. Where would you like to live in the future? I would love to live in Utah. As random as that sounds, I just have this love for Utah. I’m visiting my boyfriend in November, and to get to him we’re driving through Utah; I couldn’t be more excited!

10. Have you ever broken a bone? I’ve never broken a bone and I’m knocking on wood writing this because I am terrified to break a bone! Lol

11. What do you like to do in your spare time? In my spare time I love to watch youtube and write, its so relaxing! I have 10 blog posts ready to go already because lately ALL I’ve been doing is writing blog posts!

Here are my nominees!


Me, Myself and Everything Else


B. Beauty


Last but not least, these are the questions!

1. Where would be your ideal holiday and why?
2. Do you have any siblings?
3. What is your favourite type of animal, real or mythical?
4. If you had three wishes what would they be?
5. Do you speak more than one language?
6. Do you have a party trick, if so what is it?
7. What is your main talent?
8. Who is your idol? (Could be anyone)
9. Where would you like to live in the future?
10. Have you ever broken a bone?
11. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Thank you so much again to The Style Palette! I love all your posts, and reading them makes my day!

Have a great Thursday everybody! ❤

Tips For Organizing Your Week! 

So I recently found the world of Erin Condren planners and the sticker family that follows on Etsy; I totally fell in love. I’m probably the only seventeen year old girl to fall in love with such a thing… But that’s ok lol. Although I’m not overly busy most weeks and I don’t have a whole family to look after, having my week organized keeps me relaxed about my life! I hate being stressed and this planner has made my life so much easier.

Being in Independent Study, its crucial that I keep organized and on top of my schedule! Each day I write down which assignments I need to complete to stay on track. I’m known for procrastinating like no other. DO NOT BE THIS PERSON. Procrastination leads to all bad things. I know that tv show on right now is really relaxing but finishing your work and watching it later will be even more relaxing.

Write down each thing you want to accomplish that you know is realistic. I have a full weeks worth of homework every week, of course it would be a dream to get it all done in one day but thats totally unrealistic. Just break up big tasks over a few days! Even writing the smallest things like to eat a healthy lunch, or paint your nails helps because when you check it off your list you’ll feel so productive.

I bought a few stickers from an Etsy store call PopFizzPaper. Such a cute store! I especially love the WordPress stickers I bought for my blogging days! ❤ Using stickers in a planner makes it cute and easier to actually want to plan out the week! These stickers are super functional for me and most Etsy stores have customizable stickers to make your life easier!

Keeping your space clean! Being organized has a lot to do with the physical organization in your life too, not just metal! If everything is clean, keep it that way! If not, write down what you wanna clean and you’ll feel more motivated to do it instead of keeping it all in your head!

Lastly, my teacher told me this once and its really worked for me; don’t let yourself go to sleep until everything on your to do list is crossed off! Of course, if its 2am and theres a few things left, you need sleep lol! Although, if you just keep this in your mind, you’ll feel more motivated and in the end… organized!

Happy Wednesday! I hope some of these tips helped, if you have any tips to stay organized I’d love to hear!

Shows You Need to be Watching… If You Aren’t Already

I love watching tv & I am not picky when it comes to which shows I like to watch! There are so many shows and so little time, so I’m gonna tell you about several that are my favorites!

THE WALKING DEAD. If you haven’t watched it, you’re missing out. I almost didn’t start watching because I hated the thought of zombies lol, but when I started watching I was hooked. It’s not too scary and the story lines are amazing! Also, pretty much everyone on the show is good looking. Fear the Walking Dead is a spin-off of the show, just as amazing!


GIRL MEETS WORLD. Okay, okay hear me out. I know shows on Disney Channel are typically meant for the little ones, but this show is a MAJOR exception. If you liked Boy Meets World you will like this too. Even though most the kids watching this don’t get the references they still make SO MANY Boy Meets World references. I totally can’t wait for new episodes each week. It’s just a really feel-good show! Super cheesy, funny and I’m all for it.


Last suggestion for this round… FRESH OFF THE BOAT. Ok this is probably in the top five of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen. My sister told me about it and we are obsessed! It’s hysterical and so so clever. I highly recommend you watch, all the episodes are streaming on Hulu if you have an account! You will not regret it.


What are some tv shows you watch that you wish everyone was watching? Tell me in the comments! 🙂

Sweater Weather

I loooove sweaters and all things cozy. I definitely prefer the cold over the hot, which is one of the reasons why I don’t see myself staying in California as I grow up! Here in Nor Cal, the winters are a bit colder than the Bay Area which I LOVE. I can’t wait for some rain and maybe even snow… if we’re lucky enough!

Target has great deals on sweaters and winter coats right now! I got a few thick, nice sweaters for $20 a piece! Plus, all women’s outerwear is 20% off on the Cartwheel app right now! Check it out for sure because Target clothes are usually suuuuper cute and they have so many styles!

I believe the sale ends Saturday for the women’s outerwear, but Cartwheel always has awesome deals! It’s worth the extra time because you savin’ that dough hunny!

Happy Friday everybody! I hope your weekend is amazing! I’m off to wish for snowflakes and hot chocolate…

Must Have Makeup Products!

I love makeup. I’ve been doing my makeup for so long now, that I know exactly which products I love and which products go well together. Thats the hardest part about makeup, finding the right makeup that will work for you! I wanted to show my everyday, go-to makeup so maybe you could find some products to try out!

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My favorite brand is probably Tarte. If you haven’t tried any of their makeup I highly recommend that you do! It’s a bit pricey, but it stays all day long and doesn’t break me out! I use the Tarte Amazonian Clay Foundation whenever I wear foundation. A little goes a really long way. I also do my brows with the Amazonian Clay Brow Mousse. Brows on fleek 😉

Next, I conceal my under-eyes with the Kat Von D Lock-It Concealer. If your under-eyes are a problem area like my own, this stuff is a lifesaver! I even use it as my only makeup product some days. Then, I set where ever I put concealer with the NYX Banana Powder. It’s amazing!

Then to add warmth to my face, I bronze, blush and highlight my face with the NARS Virtual Domination Palette. Each year around the holidays NARS comes out with a new cheek palette. The palette I use is from last year but luckily the holidays aren’t far away if you’re interested in something like that!

For my eyes, I change it up a lot. For the most part I use the Naked 3 Palette from Urban Decay and use any drugstore mascara. One of my favorites is The Rocket from Maybelline. Although some days if I’m feeling it, I do winged liner with the Loréal Superstar Liquid Liner. It does smudge a bit if touched, but If you don’t touch your eyes it’ll stay put!

My favorite chapstick is the Sugar Rose Tinted Lip Treatment by Fresh. This stuff smells and looks amazing on. It smells just like rose water and gives a slight red tint.

What are some of your favorite makeup products? I’d love to hear suggestions!

The Creative Blogger Award!

I got nominated for the Creative Blogger Award by my awesome sister Kaitlyn who runs the blog Me, Myself and Everything Else which is so amazing! You should definitely check out her blog, she blogs fitness, humor and adventures! Im so excited to be nominated! I love the way these awards shed light on new blogs and help to spread the blogger love!



1. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.

2. Share 5 facts about yourself.

3. Nominate some bloggers in return and notify them about their nomination.

4. Keep the rules in your post to make it easy for everyone to know what to do.

Five Facts about me:

1. I am 5’9″ which is preeeeetty tall! I’ve always been the tallest friend, and mistaken for years beyond my age just because of my height!

2. I’ve lived in thirteen different places in my life! It’s crazy to think how much I’ve moved, eleven of the thirteen were all in the Bay area, now I live in Nor Cal!

3. I’m gonna be going to school to become a Kinder Teacher next year and I couldn’t be more excited! Teaching little ones is my passion and its such a light in my life. I worked in two different kinder classes my Sophomore year of high school and it was one of the best times in my life!

4. I’m in independent study and have been for a majority of high school. It works the best for me and I have more free time to do what I really want to do!

5. I have a big love for watching the disney channel. It is a TOTAL guilty pleasure but when I watch the cute lil movies or the shows, they’re so cheesy it just lightens my mood so much! I think that’ll be good for when I have kids though because I won’t get bored watching whatever they like.

Now time to nominate some blogs! You should totally check out each of these blogs they are so awesome!

Her Arrow Points North – This is one of my friends who’s just started her blog and I’m already in love with it! Her pictures and the flow of her writing is sooo amazing! She’s awesome!

Pastel Carousel – I just recently found her blog and I loooove it! It’s super fun and she has a bunch of great fashion, gaming, life and so much more!

Sustainable Daisy – This girl is way too cute!!! I love her OOTD posts and her style. If you love fashion and pretty pictures you will love her blog.

Adorngirl – Ok the most amazing pictures you’ve ever seen are on this blog. Not to mention her blog is so creative and so easy to get lost in! Probably one of the most beautiful blogs that your eyes will love!

Now get to following these amazing blogs! Happy Wednesday Loves! ❤